Validation report of the CAMS global reanalysis of aerosols and reactive trace gases, period 2003-2022

Published in: Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, 2023

Y. Bennouna, A. Arola, A. Benedictow, L. Blake, I. Bouarar, E. Cuevas, Q. Errera, H.J. Eskes, J. Griesfeller, L. Ilic, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Mortier, I. Pison, M.R.A. Pitkänen, A. Richter, A. Schoenhardt, M. Schulz, V. Thouret, A. Tsikerdekis, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos : "Validation report of the CAMS global reanalysis of aerosols and reactive trace gases, period 2003-2022", Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service DOI:10.24380/1rx8-mwi7, 2023.


As one of the service products, CAMS is currently producing a global reanalysis of reactive trace gases, greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations (Inness et al., 2019). The production of the reanalysis has started early 2017, and the period 2003-2022 was completed in January 2023. The CAMS reanalysis will be further extended in the years up to 2024. This document presents the validation results for the 20-year reanalysis run, 2003 - 2022, focussing on aerosols and reactive gases.