Deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in Norway 2017-2021

Published in: MET Report, 2023

Blake, L.R., Aas, W., Denby, B., Hjellbrekke, A., Mu, Q., Simpson, D., Ytre-Eide, M., Fagerli, H. : "Deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in Norway 2017-2021", MET Report ISSN 2387-4201, 2023.


This report contains estimates of atmospheric deposition of major inorganic compounds in Norway for the period 2017 to 2021 using two different methods, one observational based method while the other combining atmospheric transport model with observations. Both methods show similar clear spatial gradient in the atmospheric deposition with highest loads in south and south-west. The combined method has improved the spatial information of the deposition pattern for wet deposition. Compared to the previous period 2012-2016, there is a decrease in the total deposition of both sulfur and nitrogen in Norway.