Peer-Reviewed Publications
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in the Yucatan Peninsula Using Smartphone-based Fundus Photography and Deep-learning Artificial Intelligence: A Field Study
Wroblewski, J.J., Sanchez-Buenfil, E., Inciarte, M., Berdia, J., Blake, L.R., Wroblewski, S., Patti, A., Suter, G., Sanborn, G.E.: "Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in the Yucatan Peninsula Using Smartphone-based Fundus Photography and Deep-learning Artificial Intelligence: A Field Study", Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2023;0(0).DOI: 10.1177/19322968231194644
Parametric Nonstationary Covariance Functions On Spheres
Blake, L.R., Porcu, E., Hammerling, D.M.: "Parametric Nonstationary Covariance Functions On Spheres", Stat, DOI:, 2022.
Discussion on Competition for Spatial Statistics for Large Datasets
Blake, L.R., Khaliukova, O., Pinard, A., Nychka, D., Hammerling, D.M., Bandyopadhyay, S.: "Discussion on Competition for Spatial Statistics for Large Datasets", Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, DOI:, 2021.
Underground Mine Scheduling Under Uncertainty
Nesbitt, P., Blake, L.R., Lamas, P., Goycoolea, M., Pagnoncelli, B.K., Newman, A., Brickey, A.: "Underground Mine Scheduling Under Uncertainty", European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 294, Issue 1, DOI:, Pages 340-352, ISSN 0377-2217, 2021.
Technical Reports
Deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in Norway 2017-2021
Blake, L.R., Aas, W., Denby, B., Hjellbrekke, A., Mu, Q., Simpson, D., Ytre-Eide, M., Fagerli, H. : "Deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in Norway 2017-2021", MET Report ISSN 2387-4201, 2023.
Upgrade verification note for the CAMS near-real time global atmospheric composition service: Evaluation of the e-suite for the CAMS CY48R1 upgrade of 27 June 2023
H.J. Eskes, A. Tsikerdekis, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, L. Blake, I. Bouarar, Q. Errera, J. Griesfeller, S. Basart, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Mortier, I. Pison, M.R.A. Pitkänen, A. Richter, A. Schoenhardt, M. Schulz, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos: "Upgrade verification note for the CAMS near-real time global atmospheric composition service: Evaluation of the e-suite for the CAMS CY48R1 upgrade of 27 June 2023", Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service DOI:10.24380/rzg1-8f3l, 2023.
Validation report of the CAMS global reanalysis of aerosols and reactive trace gases, period 2003-2022
Y. Bennouna, A. Arola, A. Benedictow, L. Blake, I. Bouarar, E. Cuevas, Q. Errera, H.J. Eskes, J. Griesfeller, L. Ilic, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Mortier, I. Pison, M.R.A. Pitkänen, A. Richter, A. Schoenhardt, M. Schulz, V. Thouret, A. Tsikerdekis, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos : "Validation report of the CAMS global reanalysis of aerosols and reactive trace gases, period 2003-2022", Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service DOI:10.24380/1rx8-mwi7, 2023.
The Deep-Tree Approach: An Improved Parallel Matlab Implementation of the Multi-resolution Approximation for Massive Spatial Data on High-Performance Computing Systems
Blake, L.R., Huang, H., Vanderwende, B., and Hammerling, D.M.: "The Deep-Tree Approach: An Improved Parallel Matlab Implementation of the Multi-resolution Approximation for Massive Spatial Data on High-Performance Computing Systems", NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-565+STR, DOI: 10.5065/pzzt-wj18, 2021.
A Shallow-Tree Multi-Resolution Approximation for Distributed and High-Performance Computing Systems
Blake, L.R., Huang, H., Vanderwende, B., and Hammerling, D.M.: "A Shallow-Tree Multi-Resolution Approximation for Distributed and High-Performance Computing Systems", NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-559+STR, DOI: 10.5065/hvvq-j471, 2019.
Pushing the Limit: A Hybrid Parallel Implementation of the Multi-Resolution Approximation for Massive Data
Huang, H., Blake, L.R., and Hammerling, D.M.: "Pushing the Limit: A Hybrid Parallel Implementation of the Multi-Resolution Approximation for Massive Data", NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-551+STR, DOI: 10.5065/nnt6-q689H, 2019.
Parallel implementation and computational analysis of the multi-resolution approximation
Blake, L.R., Simonson, P., and Hammerling, D.M.: "Parallel implementation and computational analysis of the multi-resolution approximation", NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-551+STR, DOI: 10.5065/D6XW4HNH, 2018.
Nonstationary spatial modeling of massive global satellite data
Hammerling, D., Huang, H., Blake, L.R., Katzfuss, M.: "Nonstationary spatial modeling of massive global satellite data", Poster, Computational Statistics 2022
Student-led investigation of TROPOMI data for the US.
Hammerling, D.M., Blake, L.R., Daniels, W., Dykstal, A., and Crowell, S.: "Student-led investigation of TROPOMI data for the US.", Poster, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, DOI:, 2020.
Manuscripts in Preparation and Preprints
Nonstationary Spatial Modeling of Massive Global Satellite Data
Huang, H., Blake, L.R., Katzfuss, M., Hammerling, D.M.: "Nonstationary Spatial Modeling of Massive Global Satellite Data", arXiv, 2021